viernes, 24 de abril de 2015



Create a video with Animoto

Animoto provides a very easy way to create short videos from selected pictures in which text can be inserted. There is also the possibility of selecting among a wide variety of background music. This is the starting point: 

This activity is aimed at 4th ESO students. 
They will have to choose a person, or a group of people who are very important in their lives, and say something positive about them giving a reason why they want to say thank you to them.
It can be a person, but also a pet, or whatever they consider it is important for them. (Our moto... Creativity is the key!).

However, this activity can be used in many different ways, such as birthdays, mom's day... etc.

Here you can find my own video. Last year I went to Bulgaria to carry out an EVS (European Voluntary Service). I thank you all the people who was on my way, specially three more girls who shared the same house during the last period of this service.

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